About YK

My Background

Public Servant

My Vision

Serve Californians with integrity and compassion.

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For the community, by the community and of the community

YK Chalamcherla

YK Chalamcherla was elected to the Folsom City Council in November 2020. 

Prior to his election to the Council, he served as a City of Folsom Parks & Recreations commissioner, an Arts and Cultural commissioner, a County-level board member for the American River Parkway Advisory Board, and as a Folsom Community Service Day Steering Committee member.

YK worked in public service for nearly 25 years, beginning with government work in India and Singapore and most recently with the State of California. In 2019, he launched a Folsom-based IT firm.

As an active volunteer, YK earned the tagline “YK is always in the community” thanks to his involvement with Folsom organizations and nonprofits. He volunteers with Folsom School PTA/PTSO Boards, the HART of Folsom, Friends of Folsom, Friends of Folsom Parkways, and Powerhouse Ministries. For more than seven years, he has hosted State of California jobs awareness workshops to share public-sector job opportunities and help others navigate the job application process. 

YK first visited Folsom in 2002 to attend a birthday party. At the time, he and his family were living in the Bay Area. However, YK fell in love with the community at first sight, and he decided to put down a deposit to purchase a home almost immediately. The family soon relocated to make Folsom their home.

Accelerate Changes.
United Team.

Our campaign is meant to bring comfortable working conditions to employees, improve social and medical care and create educational programs for youth.

Jobs and Economy


Social Security




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Focus on COVID-19 response in our community :

In my opinion, due to COVID-19, we are already experiencing hardship in various ways. This includes job loss, struggling businesses, especially small businesses.


As a community, we need to be more ready than ever to handle this epidemic impact.

  1. I propose to establish an advisory committee to assist City Hall for fast-track decisions in response to the pandemic.
  2. I will put my best efforts to continue to look for every possible help from County, State, and Federal sources as well as any non-profit & profit companies that want to extend a helping hand during these challenging times.

Continue Enhancing Public Safety :

Continue to provide superior Police and Fire services. Enhance the following programs by involving Folsom citizens including our youth.


1. The Citizens Assisting Public Safety (CAPS) volunteer program. Increase the number of CAPS volunteers, train them, and utilize their services where needed, including schools.
2. Neighborhood Watch. Seek inputs from existing neighborhood groups and look for opportunities to make it more impactful.
3. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Look for opportunities to improve.
4. Establish a partnership between Folsom Police and residents (by identifying key locations of streets cross the City), who have surveillance cameras installed in their homes to report and record suspicious activities.
5. Partner with School administration for safety. Create a coalition group to enhance school safety by deploying more CAPS resources.
6. There are so many Folsom Citizens are teleworking from their home. Seek their help to participate in Public Safety Programs in coalition with Folsom PD.
I have many more ideas which can enhance our Public Safety at minimal cost to City.

Promote Sustainable Infrastructure :

Folsom is organically growing to accommodate the housing demand in the region. I do believe that overall these years the City has done well in planning and executing this development and not compromising residents’ quality of life


It is important for City to proactively address some of the growing concerns because of growth south of I- 50, such as:

  1. Water supplies to new homes,
  2. Interim plan for growing admissions in schools,
  3. Increasing traffic congestion
  4. City’s Plan for Supply Water During Drought Conditions. We understand that our City has more water rights than required. What is our City’s plan to supply water for Folsom when there is little water in the Lake, such as during the drought we faced a few years ago?
  5. I believe the current City Council may have a plan to address the above concerns. It is essential that we frequently review the impact of the above matters and present them to residents regularly through various effective communication methods.

Foster Job-Oriented Education:

Like you, I am a firm believer in providing high-quality education to our kids. We all know Folsom Schools have an excellent track record with high Academic Performance Index (API). My emphasis would be to introduce more job-oriented courses early on (from high school) to make our youth aware that there are so many high-demand local jobs with decent income earnings. We should extend the same job-oriented courses concept, especially to Folsom Lake College. I will put my best efforts to work with the Los Rios administration to expand job-driven education in our Folsom Community College.
Also, I would like to focus on the following topics in collaboration with FCUSD officials:


  1. In this age of the world, with technological advancement, we are losing the human touch and family/social values such as having more face to face conversations. Introduce a classroom-driven concept like “Rebuilding Family/Social Values.” This could be 5-minute instructions before the start of the classes to reaffirm the social values, especially in K-5 education.
  2. Identify and address the needs of mentally and socially struggling kids in our City in partnership with community-based organizations.
  3. By partnering with local businesses and faith-based organizations, extend sponsored or low-cost tutoring services, especially for high school kids during SAT, Collage Admission Process, and preparing them to excel in after high school education

Attract High Paying Jobs/Support Small Business:

As a City, we must have a good composition of jobs. We all agree that big businesses will attract a variety of small local businesses to support residents’ needs. I have been spending a lot of time talking with large firms in Folsom. My understanding from these discussions is that Folsom has enormous potential to attract Bay Area firms. (It could be Intel subsidiaries, or suppliers, or competitors or the Health Care sector, etc.). I am confident that in collaboration with the Folsom Economic Development (FED Corp), and neighboring cities’ support in the Sacramento region, we can attract new businesses.


I am sure Folsom Economic Development (FED) could be already approaching the Bay Area firms. My emphasis is for elected officials and City administrators to join the FED Corp and Greater Sacramento Economic Development Council. They can come from elected officials, including Assemblyman Evan Low, Chair, Business & Profession, our legislative representatives, local Sac County Supervisors, Mayors, Council Members, and Government Officials.

Businesses are leaving California due to the high cost of operations and, of course, high taxes too. Our region can help in lowering the high cost of operations. I am very optimistic, with consistent efforts, we can bring high paying jobs to our City in particular and in general to our region.

Obviously, it will give a huge boost to local small businesses. I am a firm believer that small businesses are critical to any community. I will work hard to understand the small business owners’ challenges and put sincere efforts to address them on a timely basis.

Emphasis on Homeless Challenges:

This is a complex subject for any community. Folsom is blessed with excellent community organization support to address homelessness challenges. I have been an active volunteer with Folsom HART, and I carefully observe our homeless population. We can bring some percentage of the homeless to mainstream society by giving them a new life. Many efforts with systematic steps need to be adopted to address the homeless situation.


I understand we do have Navigator which helps us interact with the homeless population, assisting them to get the services. Also, Sacramento county is helping us with the Mobile Crisis Support Team to address the mentally unstable homeless population. The homeless problem will not go away unless we try to address the situation. In my opinion, City Hall has to take a little bit more active part of this matter. If I win the election with your vote, I will work with my colleagues to find a reasonable action plan to start working on our town homelessness.


I have been working in Public Sector throughout my life. Usually, government organizations are behind the technology curve. I am technologist; I will drive technology enhancements across all City departments to further improve the effectiveness of city services, including public safety and citizens’ online services with our City at large. I am happy to see our City Building Permits team implemented ePermit Center to submit all permit plans electronically.


In summary, I love Folsom and pledge to work hard every day to keep it the same place that we all love. Like me, Folsom residents take immense pride in public safety, schools, parks, trails, and more. My approach is to consistently invite and engage community input and represent you. I need your vote to get into Folsom City Council.